Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We are here to help!

Are there any prerequisites for the Advanced Diploma programs?
  • Minimum Grade 12 or Equivalent Canadian qualification
  • If English is your second language then you must have an IELTS Band score of 6.0 OR the equivalent (in case of other testing standards). Should your language proficiency be lower than what is expected at the start of the course, you will be required to take an English crash course at Focus College before continuing your program.
Is Focus College able to provide Student Loans?

Focus College will work with you to figure out a payment plan for your education.

There are plenty of student loan options available to domestic students, such as the provincial government-run Student Aid BC, and there are many private banks that can offer student loans for diploma programs and shorter courses.

Does Focus College provide accommodation?

We can support you with your search for accommodation.

To do so, you must notify us at least 1 or 2 months prior to arriving in Canada. Accommodation is based on availability. Cost of accommodation varies depending on the city you will be studying in.

Is Training for a Business, IT, or Travel and Tourism Career Right for You? Get More Information…

If you’re interested in learning more about Focus College’s training programs and a career in Business, IT, or Travel and Tourism and exploring whether online distance education is right for you, fill out the form on this page to receive more information.

A helpful Focus College Admissions Representative will be happy to answer any questions and can help with everything from career paths to financial aid.

Does Focus College accept international students?

Focus College accepts eligible international students. Please see the International Student Admissions page for more information.

What is the application process for international students?

For the complete application process for international students, visit our International Students Admissions page.

Does Focus College provide accommodation?

We can support you with your search for accommodation.

To do so, you must notify us at least 1 or 2 months prior to arriving in Canada. Accommodation is based on availability. Cost of accommodation varies depending on the city you will be studying in.

If my student visa is denied, will I get a refund?

If your student visa is denied and you have informed the college on time, you will be eligible for the full refund of your tuition fee, if it has been paid. Refund applications are processed in 4 to 6 weeks from the date the refund application is received.

Can I get a job after graduation?

Focus College delivers a high standard of education to each student. We support future alumni by providing industry connections to help with future career endeavours. As with all institutions, we are not in a position to guarantee employment.

How can I stay in Canada after graduation?

To stay in Canada you will need to get your student visa updated.

Visit the Government of Canada Immigration and Citizenship site, which details the options available to you.

Is Focus College a designated college and what does that mean?

Focus College is designated by the Ministry of Advanced Education Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Focus College is also designated by the BC Education Quality Assurance (EQA), which is the highest quality standard in BC. Focus College holds the Designated Learning Institute status and is listed as such with Canadian Immigration and Citizenship.

Focus College Certifications
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Focus College response to Covid-19

Updated March 16, 2020

Due to the current pandemic and the desire to protect the health of our students, Focus College is taking measures which incorporate social isolation.

For current students:

We are suspending our Advanced Diploma and Office Manager courses for the week of March 16-20th, to allow for temporary distance learning to be set up. If any students do not have access to a computer from home, we request that they notify the college immediately. Further information on how courses will be delivered will be available as the week goes on. Please monitor your student email for further information throughout the week.


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